About Me
Self-help Author and Hypnotherapist
I love helping people to transform their lives using hypnotherapy, as it is so effective in improving specific issues and overcoming challenges to reach 'amazing' goals.
I am a British hypnotherapist; motivational keynote speaker and author of the book Cut the Crap and Feel Amazing published by Hay House. Through my talks, workshops, one-to-one phone hypnotherapy sessions and my range of hypnosis downloads I've helped thousands of people, from all walks of life, to improve their lives around the world, including CEO's, Actors and Singers.
I work with an array of topics including alcohol, stress, relationships, anxiety, heartbreak, exam pressure, depression, confidence and business success. I am well known for my alcohol reduction system which I developed to help people take back control of their drinking.
My goal and my purpose are to keep people including children and teens on the 'amazing path' in life, and if they have fallen off because of life issues, I help lift them to get them back on track. I am compassionate, yet I have a no-nonsense approach, to move people on quickly by getting to the root of the problem and then by breaking the bad habits and building new positive ones.
People’s lives can be affected with stress, eating issues, debt and, money issues, parenting and relationship strain, health worries, addictions, fears, lack of sleep and emotional upset, all of which I deal with. Or they may simply want to progress further in career by improving confidence, work presentation or public speaking skills, perform well in exams or set up or manage their own business better. Hypnotherapy can improve all areas of your life.
Hayley Goes Sober on BBC One with Ailsa Frank (2:11 mins in)
The Call Centre star Hayley Pearce faces sobriety for a month during which time she has hypnotherapy with Ailsa Frank who is an alcohol reduction expert, see her working with Hayley in this fascinating episode (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07c6bkf – BBC Wales, BBC One, BBC Northern Ireland, and also available on iPlayer BBC 3).
My own journey into hypnotherapy came from being so impressed by the effectiveness.
Following a successful career as a food stylist and recipe writer for eighteen years, my own life fell apart during a divorce in 2002, when I lost custody of my 10-year-old daughter after experiencing a mental breakdown. In 2005, I retrained as a hypnotherapist as the techniques had helped me so much and then I began helping other people to build a more positive life.
My work is regularly featured in the press including The Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express, The Sun, Marie Claire, Woman's Own, Woman's Weekly, Bella, Top Sante and MEL magazine, The Independent, The Mirror, The Sunday Times, Best, Spirit and Destiny, Natural Health, What the Doctors don’t tell you, New, Chat, Pick Me Up, Take a Break, Health, Weekly News, BBC Radio Surrey and I have appeared on the BBC.
Having overcome my own dyslexia symptoms using hypnotherapy, I have not only written my own book, but I have also written articles for publications such as the Mail on Sunday You magazine, Kindred Spirit, Spirit and Destiny, Healthy Food Guide, and Health Magazine.
In my self-help book Cut the crap and feel AMAZING, I provide readers with easy to do techniques and tools to let go of the negative, rise above the dramas and get into the 'amazing zone' to ensure life follows a positive direction.
If you are interested in appointments, contact us or click here for prices. Alternatively, visit the shop to buy hypnosis downloads.
'Ailsa, your voice and accent put me totally at ease straight away and I have absorbed so much of your wisdom I cannot begin to express how much my life has improved. Every day now, I notice AMAZING synchronicities, and smile, breathing a silent 'thank you Ailsa'.' Alison from Brighton
Previous press coverage:
LBC Radio interview with Ailsa Frank about alcohol reduction Hypnotherapy
BBC Radio Surrey interview about the book
"I don’t feel tired, overwrought or irritable, my concentration is better so I’m getting my work done quicker and more efficiently... But while everyone else gets slurry and emotional, I move onto drinking water after two gin and tonics and actually remember every conversation I have. I may even go for a run later. WHO IS THIS WOMAN? " Journalist writing in The Telegraph about her experience after listening to 'Stop Binge Drinking for Women' recording.
"In the month following my first session [with Ailsa] I have earned an extra £1000." A journalist writing in The Express.
"Sarah left the session feeling cleansed and transformed, with a strong sense of having let a significant weight go." Case study, The Daily Mail.
"No Worries. Long-term fretting can play havoc with your health. A leading hypnotherapist [Ailsa Frank] tells Bella how to let go ... [10 tips from Cut the Crap and Feel Amazing by Ailsa Frank] Journalist Amanda Riley-Jones, Bella Magazine.
Memberships & Qualifications
I am a qualified hypnotherapist (Cht, D.hyp, GQHP) and I am a registered member of the National Guild of Hypnotists USA, General Hypnotherapy Register UK and an Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Trained in working with Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD, anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, addictions, slimming, hypnotic gastric band, hypnosis birth, fertility, neurological disorders, psychoneuroimmunology, cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy ,and working with children and couples. Foundation in Art therapy and mindfulness.
Children and Teenagers
Ailsa has experience working with children, teenagers and young adults on issues including anger, bullying, confidence, eating problems, stress, exam nerves, study improvement, audition confidence, school entry exams and nail-biting.