
  1. Tips to let go of excess summer drinking

    Too much drinking this summer? Here are my tips to let go of excess summer drinking Summer might be a time to let your hair down with more socialising, holiday drinking or having a glass of wine in the garden but if you are struggling to keep your drinking under control my tips will give you a few pointers to...
  2. Drinking too much alcohol?

    Help! Why am I drinking too much?   You have probably spent your whole life surrounded by alcohol which normalises it in your mind.  Most people know family, friends or work colleagues who drink regularly. TV commercials for alcoholic drinks are regularly on television. Whilst advertisers use alcohol to promote other products such as sofa and kitchens which sometimes show someone...
  3. 4 Tips to Break Addictive Alcohol Habits

    break addictive alcohol habits
  4. Stressed Mum who wanted to get sober

    Parents have never been under so much pressure with work and family stresses meaning turning to drinking alcohol for comfort after work is a common way to cope Karen, 45, a busy successful working Mum, reduced her alcohol drinking habits after listening to my hypnosis downloads for alcohol reduction. Read about how she became more confident, less stressed generally, drank less and banished sleepless...
  5. Could your alcohol drinking be affecting your children?

    10 Questions to help you assess your drinking and its affect on your children More children are witnessing their parents drunk either on the weekends or on a normal school night as Mums and Dads turn to alcohol to escape from their daily pressures. Here are a few simple questions to help you understand how your alcohol drinking might be...
  6. Alcohol binge drinking feast at Royal Ascot

    This is the week when the village of Ascot rocks with lively partygoers who binge drink alcohol at the sophisticated Royal Ascot racing. The rest of the year it is a pretty peaceful place to live Alcohol flowing at Royal Ascot In the calendar, the third week in June is home to Royal Ascot. Luckily the weather is sunny today...

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