How the Ailsa Frank Hypnotherapy downloads changed my life

How the Ailsa Frank Hypnotherapy downloads changed my life

Annemarie, Age: 38, Teaching assistant, Mother of 2 boys ages 6yrs and 3yrs, Lives in Surrey

 Before After

“Never thought I would get back to pre-pregnancy weight but I have. I wouldn’t be able to do it without the Hypnosis Downloads as I would have given up.”

First I bought the Take control of alcoholHypnosis downloads (October 2012) as I was drinking a large glass of wine per night. I didn’t really want the alcohol but realised it was hard to break the habit.  It was frustrating I couldn’t stop.  Within 5 days of listening to the hypnosis recordings, started to change my behaviour, I stopped thinking about alcohol, I became less interested in it and developed a ‘take it or leave it’ attitude towards it.  Now I just have the odd glass of wine socially or at the weekend. The Hypnosis download really improved my sleep.

I then decided to buy the Build confidence and self-esteemHypnosis downloads (Feb 2013) which helped me to feel good about myself.  I noticed I was more confident generally. I am a member of the Road committee and at a meeting with a Senior Police Officer he said a comment which I felt needed the further explanation so I said: “So, why is that then?” I just felt the words come out of my mouth which was a good thing, in the past I wouldn’t have said anything, in fact, I would have felt nervous.

“I have also improved my show jumping as I have become more confident.  I use to be able to jump 80cm but since listening to the recordings I can now jump 120cm.” 

I bought the Money –Increase your WealthHypnosis downloads (Feb 2013) for my husband as he is self-employed, he listened to it a few times and began to get more work coming to him.  I listened to it and found it released money fears and I have noticed things are going better financially.

“The money Hypnosis Download has helped me be more relaxed about money not worrying anymore.  The phone started to ring after listening and work is coming in now for my husband.”

I then bought the Weight loss for WomenHypnosis downloads (March 2013) which within a couple of weeks curbed my chocolate cravings.  I was in a bad habit of buying chocolate and eating it.  I have chocolate sitting in the fridge which has been there for more than a week, I just don’t want it.  If I do have some chocolate I just have a small piece but not the whole thing.  I am motivated to exercise working out to a hypnosis recording daily in the mornings.  The hypnotherapy download has helped me stick to the 5/2 diet. I have lost more than a stone in weight and I am now back to my pre-pregnancy weight of my first child.  I never thought I would be this slim again.  I have a defined toned stomach with muscle definition!  I feel lighter and motivated. The weight loss Hypnosis recording is very effective and particularly useful at bedtime as I fall asleep to it. I listen to the weight loss Hypnosis downloads to keep on track.

“Brilliant Hypnosis recordings now I can leave chocolate and cookies on the shelf for a week and not think about them. I have the odd bit now and again.”

Completing the Nuts Challenge Aug 2013   New Show Jumping Confidence